Sunday, March 27, 2011

bug's 6th birthday party

this is the back of willow's dress. i LOVE the cute little bow (:

she was SO excited (: she got the littlest pet shop animal that she's wanted since she started collecting.

see that glare? it's totally aunt terry (:

she's cheesin (:

this is her littlest pet shop cake.

so... can you tell she kinda likes littlest pet shop stuff?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

awkward absence

i haven't been on here in so long! i haven't been busy, i just forget that i have a blog... hopefully i'll stay on task from now on, at least for a little while :) anyways, i haven't really been up to anything. my brother caught strep throat. my throat is now swollen, but i don't think it's strep. it's not sore or anything. it was yesterday, but it's better now. still swollen, but not sore. willow's birthday party is on sunday. she's going to be six :( she needs to stop growing. i remember her being a cute, pudgy little baby. i miss that. my aunt honee's mom passed away a few days ago. she'd been having a hard time in the hospital, and she had a breathing tube in while she was in a coma. when she woke up, they took the tube out but she passed away not too long after they took the tube out. my prayers are with them all. i know how hard it is to lose someone. i lost my best friend one year, seven months, one week and three days ago. i had to add all that up on a calendar, give me credit for that. it was right in front of me and i STILL had trouble figuring out how long it's been. i suck at math... wait, does math even have anything to do with dates? ...i guess it kind of does. anyways. sorry i've been so inactive. i'll try to post more. i'll definitely be posting pictures from willow's party, so i'll be posting on sunday for sure if i don't post between now and then. if i remember O.o