i'm not sick anymore! yay! i still kind of feel a bit sick to my stomach, but i think that's just because i'm still recuperating and because i've been eating real food and not soup and 7 up all day. of course, i only woke up about 45 minutes ago (which is about 12:45). i'm a late sleeper, i hate getting up late. i don't fall asleep until about 3 or 4 in the morning, so i definitely need to work on my bedtimes. of course, the few times i have gone to sleep at a decent hour, i've still woken up late, sometimes even later.
also, i had an idea about the new pregnancy announcement. i saw it on brandy brinkerhoff's blog (it's on the right hand side under my blog list).she's jared murillo's older sister, from the boy band v factory. when she announced her second pregnancy, she said that her 2-year-old daughter had been spreading the word and she had the cutest idea on announcing it. i did this one a lot like she did hers, only i made the announcement just one big picture instead of a whole post. btw, if brandy's reading this, i know you don't know me, but congrats on the new baby!!

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