no, not the animals... my new cousins!! randi and satina are the CUTEST little girls ever. randi is a little over two years old and she's VERY curious. she loves to push buttons, so if there's an appliance in the kitchen with buttons, you have to move fast to grab her by her little overall straps and swing her to her mommy. satina is going to be a year on october 9th. she's almost as big as terry is, but i think she's the cuter one. (p.s.: i love you baby boy) we went over to aunt jann's house for the welcoming party that she threw for becky, nick, jaydon, randi, and satina. it was a pool party and the kids had tons of fun. randi calls me 'hey, you' cuz she can't pronounce my name. she speaks really well for a two-year-old. i'm impressed. AND she's almost completely potty trained. she's still in pull-ups but she knows when she's gotta go and she makes sure EVERYONE knows, lol. she's adorable. satina and terry are like two peas in a pod. they were hugging and kissing each other all day. i'll try to get some pics of randi and satina so you can see just how adorable they are! but for right now, i'll show you this, that, yes, i made.

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