on saturday we went to lake isabella. we were going to go to cedar creek but when we got there someone was in the only spot our motor home would fit in. lake isabella is just up the mountain so we went ahead and just went there. i didn't do anything except take pictures and sit around. there were a few drunk guys there though. one of them asked me if i had a pen or pencil to write something down and i said "no. you're too drunk to operate either of them, anyways." he just laughed and went back to his trailer. i don't think he understood that i was really just making fun of him. becky finally got randi and satina's adoption finalized! they're officially part of the family! today's my mom's birthday. she's the big 4-0. we made her a cake, and it's absolutely beautiful. for a group of 18-year-olds that is. i made something for her, and you can see it at the bottom of the post, since the pics from the lake are first. here they are. oh btw, if you want the pictures in order... look from the bottom, up. cuz they got flipped on accident.
she got tired from all that dancing.

to me, it looks like she's doing air guitar.

probably the most adorable dance picture i've ever seen, captured in movement mode.

this is a collage i did of bug's funny faces.

this is a collage of lexie's funny faces.

this was just a sample collage to show mom.

he fell asleep on the way home. he was all tuckered out.

bug fell because the dog ran right behind her.

bug had fun in the sand.

lexie did, too.

he went face first in the water just before this, so mom thought it would be smart to hold onto his shirt so he wouldn't do it again.

he got excited to see the water.

bubba was the first one out in the water and he was fascinated by the jetskis.

bug got tired and decided to lay down on the floor. she used the hood cover of the motor as a pillow.

i love that they have the same expression on their faces.

that's the beautiful lake.

bug got tired on the way to the lake

this candid came out better than i thought it would

i got some pretty good shots of her. she's beautiful, don't ya think?

poor little guy fell asleep not ten minutes after we left home

that's the face she made to make terry laugh

me and lexie played around while we were heading out

he had his own seat in the motor home!

this is what i made mom for her birthday.