bug was playing on the trampoline and she chipped a bone 3 inches above her wrist. she's supposed to keep it elevated as much as possible, so when we went on our weekend trip to pine flat lake, we were reminded and this is how it was elevated:

yes, she used lexie as an arm rest. we had fun on our trip. we were only out on the lake for a couple hours, but we had a blast. sandra and starley swear a snake swam by them. i think it was just a fish, cause i got touched by it two seconds before they did. speaking of snakes, bug stumbled across a baby california king snake. it was only about 8 inches long, so it was born not too long before. it scared the crap out of her, she almost stepped on it! but she was okay after she found out that the california king is one of the good snakes. but, she won't touch it or hold it cause she doesn't like it's colors. five year olds are so cute :) here's a close up of bug's cast. and yes, that is my crappy handwriting right there in the front. do you know how hard it is to write on a cast? it's not as easy as i thought it was going to be.
