well, i guess i should start at the beginning. we went to the lake last month. we had a blast. it was my first time in the water--without jumping right back on the boat. i was terrified at first but i warmed up to it and i had an amazing time, even when brian swam past me and made me think he was a huge ass fish... i seriously freaked out. but we all had a good time and i have the pictures to prove it. all of lexie's pictures came out GREAT she is such a pro in front of the camera. even when she has her back turned to it. we had some pretty funny moments too. me and willow were playing the "you're as smart as..." game with the football. first, she said "you're smart as a boat" and threw the ball to me. then i said "you're as smart as starley" and threw the ball to her. then she holds the ball and looks like she's thinking. then she looks at me and says "starley's SMART?!" haha, good times, good times... kids say the darndest things.

uncle did some fishing. i love this picture for some reason. simplicity.

this gorgeous little girl just keeps getting prettier and prettier. i was in the water most of the time so i didn't get pictures of willow and bubba but there are some pictures of them later on in the post. they haven't been neglected, lexie's just more willing to take a picture, haha.

lexie took this picture of me and rena.

that wraps up our day at the lake. now it's time for the birthday barbeque. starley's birthday is july 19th and brian's is august 3rd so we had a joint barbeque for them both. we had a lot of fun. josh even tried on rena's hoops...

willow's a little gangster, look at the pout.

sandra and little nathan played footsie.

me and sandra took pictures. ignore the cloudiness of the picture. my lens was filthy.

we all know this model-to-be.

there's the handsome boy! how much does he look like uncle? seriously. it's insane.

there's the little bright eyed girl. i love this picture.

the pretty cupcakes. the first two are the cupcakes from brian's birthday and the bottom one are the ones from starley's.

these pictures were taken the day after the barbeque. sandra and i had no clue that the clearing by our house was a no trespassing zone. but the sign is down at the end of the street, away from where we were so we didn't see it. you'd think they would at least put a fence around it. a sign won't stop people from walking in it. by the way, the pictures are unedited. i looove how the grass pictures came out.