we went to kansas to pick up my brother brian and sister starley. we had a ton of fun (with a fight in between) and even got to meet the new baby. her name is elysian karen reeder and she's absolutely beautiful. terry is an amazing big brother. he even carries her! and he's not even two yet. i took some fun pictures so i thought i'd share. they're in chronological order.
i got bored so i decided to take a funny picture

i like how this one came out, although its not my best

i LOVE how this one came out

this one was okay

i really like how this one came out. it was unintended. ignore the horrible alcalai spots

first meeting with elysian. she started crying so i picked her up, fed her a bottle and she worked up a serious snooze

terry was really shy when i first came. he hid from me

elysian slept on grammie too

this is just one of the very few times she had her eyes open and one of the many times she looked completely adorable. yes, she's wearing a bathing suit

that's terry's "mean mask face"

rachell decided to take a funny picture

i still don't know what that face is about. maybe he's pointing to the invisible boo boo on his arm

this was an unintended picture, but i love how it came out

that's my brandi

elysian smiled up a storm when my dad was holding her

just before this, he was being a little asshole

elysian started crying so terry patted her belly and said "shhh sisserrrr"

terry loves giving kisses

well, they started out sitting up...

this picture was really cute. its official caption is "she's too heavy. here, let me take her for you"

my brandi

look at her, all wide awake

terry kicked back in aunt jessica's chair

i was just goofing off with my camera with this picture but i like how it came out

he had to wear willow's sunglasses. no one else's would do

he fell asleep not five seconds after the sunglasses picture

yes. yes she is the most adorable kid ever

this is her "hmmmm" face

i couldn't resist getting a walk away picture of terry and his daddy

terry, mike and brandi decided to play on the kiddie toys

brandi, terry, mike (even though you cant see him) and rachell played on the see saw

i loved this picture. he looks so grown up

he loves the elephant slide

elysian even got a turn on the slide

terry decided he needed to give the bear a kiss

he also gave the spider a kiss

aunt brandi, terry and uncle mike got on the rhino

uncle mike helped terry get a drink. daddy said "you better get your head out of that lions mouth or its gonna bite your head off" so terry stopped drinking and said "huh?"

she slept like that most of the time i was holding her

this was just too cute not to post