heather's wedding was beautiful, and so was she. i've got the pictures :) even though no one even reads my blog.... except family. i think. i'm probably just talking to myself. but i don't care, the pics are posting worthy.
walking down the aisle with her daddy :)

her daddy giving her away

heather and her hubby combining their sand :)

i don't remember what was said, but it made the groomsmen take a drink from their flasks

the adorable flower girls

the pretty maid of honor and bridesmaids and flower girls

putting her ring on

putting his ring on

the i do's

the kiss

officially mr. and mrs. :)

greeting nana

greeting mom

greeting papa

ashley and baby nathan :)

their first mr. and mrs. dance

the mother/son dance

the father/daughter dance

brian and starley joined in on the couples dance

sandra and starley did the cha cha slide

starley got crazy with the ymca

sandra decided to dance in the street

that's all of the most special moments :) and the funny moments.