after lexie's party (i didn't get pics, i feel like a horrible cousin) i went to aunt shawnna's house to spend the night with sandra. the next day we went to church (look up ron vietti, he's the funniest pastor ever) and then went to tehachapi to our uncle jamie's house for an early thanksgiving dinner. i met uncle jamie's wife cheryl, who is very nice, but she was under a lot of stress that day so she was the slightest bit moody. i also met cheryl's eight-year-old son bradley. he's adorable, but he can be pretty annoying. it's all good though because i got a video of him running into cheryl's car. oh, ashlynn was with us too; she's uncle jamie's daughter from his previous marriage to my aunt tonia. anyways, sandra took most of these beautiful photos so enjoy!

i actually took this one. it came out great.

sandra and ashlynn, on the way up to tehachapi.

two days ago, my birthday barbeque took place. i was hoping that my childhood best friend would have been able to come, but her sister had to work so they couldn't make it. that's fine, though because two of my aunts and two of my cousins didn't make it either. i had a good time. i got some pajamas, a cute jean jacket, and a lone pair of pajama pants from my mother. i also got a ds game called
my baby girl first steps from my grandparents. i picked out those presents. from my aunt kari, i got ten dollars and a card. she told me she knew it wasn't much, but she didn't have much more to spare. i really didn't even need the money; a simple card would have done it. it's the thought that counts. my aunt judy and uncle dwight got be a rose printed journal with a matching photo album. i haven't used them yet, but plan to. there were a ton more people that showed up but that's all for the presents. i was surprised, but i honestly didn't mind it because it really is just the thought that counts. i'm just happy they came. it was the biggest party i've had since i was about eight years old.

these two cuties are the twinsies. the redhead is joey, the blonde is joshy. they're adorable.